The Belzoni Humphreys Development Foundation and City of Belzoni invite you to join us for the second annual Christmas Tree Lighting on December 4th. The fun will get started at 3:30 with the Keep Belzoni Beautiful Christmas Farmers and Crafters Market.

Also, Delta Wind Birds will be on the scene introducing our community to the two artists who will be painting murals on the Fire Station and the Jaketown Museum.

Starting at 5:00pm, Santa will visit Belzoni with candy canes for the kids!

Also at 5:00pm Guaranty Bank and Trust will be offering free, fresh, popcorn and Bank Plus will be offering refreshments as well. Be sure to take a stroll around the Belzoni Story Walk to read the new book that the Humphreys County Library has put up.

Thanks to a donation from the Mississippi State Extension Service, the Humphreys County Library will be giving away 100 books to the first 100 families that go through the story walk and complete a short survey. Also don’t forget to bring donations to the Library’s food pantry drive so they can create food bags for those in the community. Details below:

The Belzoni Humphreys Development Foundation along with the Humphreys County Holiday Committee are offering free goodie bags to the children. Get there early to make sure your child gets one!

The Belzoni Garden Club will be on hand to give out reindeer food to the kiddos as well!
At 5:30pm Mayor Joe Jackson and Development Foundation President Emily Tillman Donovan will start the Tree Lighting Ceremony. It will immediately be followed by a snow storm!

After the tree is lit and the snow is finished, be sure to stop by one of the food trucks for your dinner and head on back to Centennial Green for Frosty’s Winter Wonderland starting at 6:00pm on the Screen on the Green sponsored by Belzoni Cable. Run time is 25 minutes and we suggest bringing a chair and/or blanket!

Special thanks to the City of Belzoni and Board of Aldermen, The Belzoni Humphreys Development Foundation, Keep Belzoni Beautiful, Belzoni Cable, The World Catfish Festival, Guaranty Bank and Trust, Bank Plus, The Belzoni Garden Club, and the Humphreys County Library. Also thank you to Timaka James Jones, Emily Tillman Donovan, Chandra Hines, Dana Arrington, and Stephen Donovan for all the personal contributions they put in to making this event as great as it will be!

As a gift to the City of Belzoni, Humphreys County, and all its residents..The World Catfish Festival donated hundreds of feet of Edison string lights for Centennial Green.